
As we begin yet another semester under the effects of a declining student population, we are all getting familiar with a certain phrase: budget limitations.

And it is for good reason. Resources, especially for a university, can be quite limited. How much more so now that student numbers have started to decline so sharply.
限制預算是有充分理由的。 對大學來說,資源可能非常有限,遑論現在學生人數已經開始急遽下降。

Limited resources are one of those things we face in life. It can be frustrating. It can be discouraging. What do you do if you do not have what you need?

That is probably why the Bible so often talks about God as a provider. Isaiah calls God the source of free bread and milk that will truly satisfy (Isaiah 55). The Psalms talk of God having a cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50). Jesus calls himself the bread of life.
這可能是為什麼聖經時常談論上帝作為供應者的原因。以賽亞稱上帝是真正讓人滿足的免費麵包和牛奶來源(以賽亞書 55 章)。 詩篇談論到上帝在千山上有一頭牛(詩篇 50)。 耶穌稱自己為生命的糧食。

“If you knew who it is… that asks you.” 
That was Jesus response when he encountered the woman at the well. For if she knew, she would have known how endless his supplies are.
“你若知道向你要水喝的是誰……。” 這是耶穌在井邊遇見撒馬利亞婦人時的反應,因為如果她知道的話,她就會知道耶穌的資源,是取之不盡、用之不竭的。

Now, God is not going to give us every material thing we want. Sometimes, like with a spoiled child, that is bad for us.

But his promise is that he can give us even greater things. Spiritual wholeness. Healing and forgiveness. New life, and life abundant.
但祂的應許是,祂可以成就我們更偉大的事—— 屬靈上的完整。醫治和寬恕,新的生命、也是豐盛的生命。

For you see, there are no budget limitations with God.


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