2022/12/26 康克校牧短文分享【Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂】

2022/12/26 康克校牧短文分享【Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂】

There are so many images and symbols linked to Christmas.
Santa Claus in his red suit and snow-white beard.
Christmas trees covered in ornaments and topped with a star.
There are the twinkling lights sprinkled here and there.
The presents in various shapes and sizes.
There is the stockings, the snowmen, and the reindeer.
穿著紅色套裝、留著雪白鬍子的聖誕  老人,聖誕樹上掛滿了裝飾品,並在頂部點綴一顆星星。

There are wreaths, and holly, and mistletoe, and the corresponding reds and greens
we all wear intermittently throughout the season.
All of these are good and fine and fun. They are part of the season’s spirit of joy and good will.

Yet, the symbol that matters, the reason for the season, as we say, is the most humble of them all.
No flashy colors, not bright lights, no glittering gifts.
Drab greys and browns and barnyard animals.
然而,在這個季節當中最重要的象徵, 卻是最謙遜的,它沒有華麗的色彩,沒有明亮的燈光,

The purpose of Christmas is to welcome a king.
And not just any king, THE king. The King of Kings. Immanuel.
But you’d not know that just from looking.

For that king, almost lost from view in the frenzy of the holiday, sits low and still – a small baby,
in a manger. The nativity of our Lord was a quiet triumph.
It was the baby steps of a true and lasting victory – over sin and death.
因為那位君王幾乎在節日的狂熱中 消失,祂坐在馬槽裡一動不動- 一個小嬰兒。

It is why we sing, with all our hearts, these words –
Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her king.
這就是為什麼我們全心全意地唱出以下這句歌詞 -普世歡騰,救主下降, 大地迎接他君王

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