2024/03/04 康克校牧短文分享「An Expectation of Spring 對春天的期待」

2024/03/04 康克校牧短文分享「An Expectation of Spring 對春天的期待」

I made an interesting discovery a few weeks ago. In one of the ugliest corners of campus, hidden back behind the freshmen boys’ dormitory, is a remarkably beautiful cherry tree.

During the majority of the year, it is almost invisible. Its liveliness is covered over by the general hideousness of the drab building, the crumbling fencing, and the mess of pipes and air conditioner units.

But in the Spring, the tree comes alive. Its blooms and buds are like a firework, exploding into color and its fresh flowers attract little yellow birds, awoken at last after the winter.

Were it not for that vibrant display, I would never have realized it was there. But there it is, all the same, where I least expected to find a little hint of beauty.

Spring is like that in general. It is the season of life renewed after the long quiet of winter. It is beauty born out of the image of death victorious.

It is no mistake that the center of the Church calendar, Easter, comes here, in the Spring season. Life conquering death is not just a theme etched into the bones of the world, it prefigures and repeats the fundamental story of life, death,
and the resurrection.

Which means that cherry tree, and the expectation we all hold for Spring, is not merely about pretty flowers and warmer weather. It is a reminder that God’s love for us was here, speaking to us, at the foundation of the world and through each of the cycles of the seasons. That in the beginning he loved us then, but that he loved us best in his resurrected Son.

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