2024/12/30 康克校牧短文分享「new-beginnings新的開始」

2024/12/30 康克校牧短文分享「new-beginnings新的開始」

Change is, as they say, in the wind. The semester is coming to a close. New Year is right around the corner. And that means new resolutions and goals, which means ever more change… unless we fail to stick to them.


New Years and new resolutions are an obvious fit. It feels natural to treat a new start as a new beginning, a chance to break unhealthy patterns and start better ones.


That is why January is the best month for selling gym memberships and exercise equipment. Maybe change means working out and eating right. Or maybe you need a deep cleaning, Marie Kondo style.


Changes might also be family – new members joining, others leaving. Change may be a new location: a new home, city, or even country. Or change may mean moving on from a job, either to rest or to take on new challenges.


But no matter what we try to change, we likely find there are parts of us that always stay the same. Now, I don’t mean that we do not get any taller or that we do not have more hair than last year. I mean our faults. Or worst tendencies seem to find us out again.


If you think you need help to really be better than you are, you are not wrong. But you do not need a life coach, or a trainer, or a advisor. They can only tell you what you already know, just more forcefully.


What we need is to be remade. Paul says, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” A new creation. That sounds good. A true new beginning.


The path to being made new is to draw near to God. By doing so, you will learn more about him and the son he sent. So resolve to read the Bible, to pray, to go to church, to hear others share how God has made them new. Do these things not as a to do list that feeds a sense of accomplishment, but as an opportunity to know God more. Embrace the change.


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