2024/12/2 康克校牧短文分享「Expecting Christmas 期待聖誕節」

2024/12/2 康克校牧短文分享「Expecting Christmas 期待聖誕節」

In the Christmas Carol “O Holy Night” we sing the words, “Long lay the world, in sin and error pinning, till he appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope- the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!”

在聖誕頌歌《聖善夜》中,我們唱道:「迷茫大地,罪惡虛空中嘆息,直到晨曦顯現,帶來黎明真光顯現, 恩典照亮世人揮別長夜, 迎接榮耀早晨」

It is easy to rest in the comfort and innocence of Christmas imagery. The gift giving Santa Claus, dressed up Christmas trees, hot cocoa and familiar music – all of it the soft blessings of Christmas time. It is easy to forget what it means to hope for anything when you already have everything.


The message of advent and of the Christmas season is of waiting and anticipation. It is a time of hope that something new will come and transform the world. It is the hope that a little baby born in a manger can change the world.


That baby came for one reason – to solve the problem of sin. Sin is a word not familiar to many of us anymore. We often know it by other names: evil, wrongdoing, brokenness. As unwilling as we often are to admit to sin, we cannot ignore the brokenness is brings into the world. And if we want healing, we must start at the source.


That little baby in the manger, the Christ child, is the hope of healing. And every year during Advent, we remember that the hope of a new morning is here and that freedom from sin – from brokenness and despair – is possible.


So I want to wish you all a happy Advent season and a very merry Christmas.


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