January 6th is the day the church traditionally celebrates Epiphany, where we remember the three wise men’s visit and giving of gifts to baby Jesus. It also traditionally marks the end of Christmastide.
If you are unfamiliar with the story and its background, it can be difficult to understand the significance of the moment.
Let’s try thinking about it in easier terms: Christmas is basically a birthday party celebrating a rather remarkable birth. The birth of Jesus.
But Jesus’ birth itself was already kind of like a party, with guests and presents and even invitations. So it is interesting to see who was invited.
First was a group of shepherds. They are unlikely guests, because usually you might want someone who could bring good gifts. The shepherds were not wealthy, they were not famous, nor were they powerful. But, oh were they excited to be there.
The shepherds were at least “part of the family.” They were Jewish and would have understood the significance of the messiah being born. The wise men were unlikely guest, not because of their wealth or status – they brought some great gifts! – but because they were outsiders.
They were not directly invited, but they knew what to look for and came all the same. Though unexpected, they were not unprepared. Because they were prepared it was clear they belonged.
And in that way, they are a model for us. If we prepare room for Jesus in our hearts we will find that there is already a place prepared for us as well.
從這個意義上說,這些智者是我們的榜樣:如果我們在心裡為耶穌預備了 空位,我們會發現祂也已經為我們保留了位置。