2022/06/13『 Advanced Vocabulary 高級單字』

2022/06/13『 Advanced Vocabulary 高級單字』






In the Bible, there are many stories of the kings, prophets, and priests of Israel. Most of them do badly and receive scorn. A few choose the good and they are remembered as reformers.


We need reform. Not just as societies and cultures but as families and individuals. It’s a good word. It is a word that we can use to undo the work of some powerful forces that work against us. And in the process, learn some new words.


Atrophy: From strength to weakness. It can be difficult to keep running hard. And it is easy to say, “not today, maybe tomorrow” and find that tomorrow has lasted weeks and months and that we now lack the power to do good things.


Entropy: From order to chaos. Even the best plans can fall apart. Being busy, being stressed – sometimes it feels like it is enough to just get dinner on the table even if everything else is breaking down.


Acedia: From earnestness to indifference. In our best moments we can care a lot. For people. For the important things. But hearts are fickle and they easily grow cold. Not only over time, but even in the laziness of a weary midday.


Reform might require us to tear down bad habits, to shake off lazy thinking, and to build back up discipline. 


It can be hard to do it, but God gives us grace and encouragement. If you need to make reforms, whether big or small, take this encouragement that God gave to king Asa:


But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.

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