2021/12/13『Advent 來臨』

2021/12/13『Advent 來臨』






Joy to the World, the Lord has come!

It’s Advent season! The month before celebrating Christmas – the birth of Christ.

It’s a month full of preparation. We start our family and local customs – decorating, putting up the tree, buying presents, planning meals.

Back home, the tree is a centerpiece: each of us has our own ornaments gifted and collected over the years. Christmas dinner is always an extravaganza.

It’s a season of stress, of financial worries, of awkward family encounters, of overblown events. Can you afford all those gifts? Is your weird uncle going to be at dinner?

It’s a season of reindeer, and Santa Claus, and Christmas trees, and…

Did you see it? Did you see what just happened? We just about lost the plot. We almost lost track of why this season is special, why it is important.

Advent is a season of expectation. And there is nothing wrong with expectantly looking forward to gift-giving, and family gatherings, and sumptuous meals. They are good things, no doubt.

But they pale when compared with Christ’s coming. The author of life steps on the stage. The king of kings comes to claim his kingdom. The all powerful creator God of all the universe comes to be with. A moment of incomparable anticipation.

Let earth receive her king!


現在是將臨期,也就是聖誕節——基督誕生 前的一個月。





你發現了嗎?你發現在剛剛這段論述過程中發生什麼事嗎? 我們模糊了焦點,幾乎遺忘了這個季節真正獨特、重要的價值。


但是這些美好事物和基督的降生相比,相形遜色。造物主登上舞台,萬王之王降臨並宣稱祂的國度臨到,全宇宙的全能造物主 神來到世上與我們同在,這是無比期待的時刻。



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